Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Can I Laugh at Myself? I Certainly Hope So.

 I really like to blog.  It's basically an online journal that I share publicly (kind of a funny thought considering journaling has traditionally been such a private thing).  It's a nice way for me as a stay-at-home-mom to feel like I'm connecting with others throughout my day and a forum in which I can express my thoughts and ideas.  But, it's good to never take yourself too seriously.  When my hubby and I saw this demotivating poster, it gave me a good laugh.  Check out the link below to see it for yourself.  



  1. That was good! I feel the same way about my blogging. I've been home with my son for two years and blogging has been such a great outlet for me.

    I hope your girls enjoy their free Tag book :)
