Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Derailed by Life

Once again, and this happens to me a few times a year, my blogging has been completely derailed by "doing life".  Since whelping a litter of puppies and selling them, I sort of collapsed and had to take a little break.  Not to mention that the kids' school activities increase in number at this time of year, we have been running to and fro from softball games for our oldest for the past 2 months, and I finally put my nose to the grindstone and started training for real for my upcoming marathon at the beginning of June.  So, to kick start myself back into blogging more regularly again, I've decided to join in a "photo a day" challenge for the month of may.  I've done a few of these in the past and they are a lot of fun.  If I had a smartphone with instagram, it would be 10X easier, but it can still be done with a regular camera and a computer.  So, let the fun begin!  Here is the list of picture prompts for the month. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Baby Is 3!

She loves to smile for her Mommy.
My sweet Little D is 3 today!  We knew we wanted at least 4 children, but not long after having our fourth, I just felt like we were supposed to have one more child in our family.  God blessed us with this sweet, little bundle of joy and she has made our family complete.  It's hard to believe that my littlest one is turning three this spring, but such is life.  As my 4-year-old says, "Things just have to keep changing in life," which is very true.  So, I'm enjoying these days and years as my youngest children are still toddlers and preschoolers because I know this phase our lives will only last so long.  Happy Birthday Little D!  You are a blessing to our whole family and we love you!

Teasing Mommy.

Beautiful Baby.

Love her!