Saturday, October 16, 2010

Daddy's Girls

A couple of days ago, I was looking at some pictures I took recently of Dakota and Augustus.  The look on both their faces says it all; there is mutual adoration there. 

Today is my hubby's birthday, and so an especially fitting day to pay tribute to not only the wonderful husband that he is, but also what an amazing father he is to our children.  I truly believe it is very important for little girls to receive love from their fathers in order to be secure and confident in who they are as they grow up.  Augustus not only loves his daughters, but also takes time to laugh with them, have tickle-fests and dance parties with them, and comfort them when they are sad.  When our girls turn 5, we give them a big birthday party.  Augustus makes a slide show of pictures and includes this song with it that brings tears to our eyes.
It is called, "When Daddy Says I'm Beautiful".

I thank God for giving Augustus to me and our 5 girls.  Happy Birthday to my Hubby!


  1. Amen about fathers and daughters. =)
    Happy Birthday, Augustus!

  2. that is so wonderful Karlie! the song is beautiful... i had never heard it before. what a great gift for your daughters & for you as their mother :)
